Well, here it is early Saturday Morning, June 11, 2011. I guess it is like any other Saturday morning, for me, anyway. I wake up early (habit from my work week, I guess). Oh, to get to sleep in. In all reality, I could sleep in -- nothing to stop me. Just me and my beautiful partner, my cat, Princess. She seems to think, I believe, that no matter what day it is, by 5:00 a.m., I should be up and doing or going or something. And, if my alarm does not sound off as it normally does around 3:00 a.m., she lets me know that it's time to get up, without the alarm -- she IS my alarm! She is my one bright spot each day and you know what? She loves me -- unconditionally. What a great feeling that is. We humans have a hard time loving unconditionally -- just not in our nature, is it? (Well, we adult humans have a hard time -- children are another story when it comes to loving unconditionally -- they seem to have it in the beginning, but sometime in the growing up years, something happens and we no longer love unconditionally. Hmmm....wonder why) Anyway, I love my Princess -- shedding of hair and all.
Isn't she pretty? She definitely came into my life at a time when I was in desperate need of a companion and she seems to fill many empty spaces and fulfill some needs in a sometimes (many times, really) empty and lonely heart.
So, as today unfolds, I have lots of thoughts going on in this crazy brain of mine. There is a lot to accomplish over the next couple of weeks, so after writing this post, it will be a busy day. In 2 weeks, approximately, I will be having surgery to have my gall bladder removed (maybe I will actually feel GOOD for the first time in a very long time). But, in order to have the surgery done, I need to get my little home in order and ready for my daughter (who lives in Utah -- thank you, Heather!) to come stay with me for a bit while I recuperate. Hopefully, it will be a short recovery time, but, if not, it will be wonderful to have her here with me to help (this aging process really sucks). How my heart sings, knowing she will be here! It's been so long since I have had one or more of my 5 girls here to see and visit me. Here is a great picture of 4 of the 5 girls at their last family reunion with their dad's side of the family (the Martin side). I truly am blessed!
Top in the tree is Heather, next down is Pam, to the left, standing, is Melissa and on the right is Valerie. Jerren, the oldest of the 5 girls, is not in the picture. She was not able to attend this family reunion. So, here is a picture of Jerren at her college graduation a year or so ago.
I am so very proud of all of my girls and their accomplishments and as time goes on, I will highlight each one and their families and the very wonderful people they are and have grown up to be -- responsible, valuable adult members of society. Oh, how they make a Mama proud!
And, then, of course, the 12 Grandchildren! Here is a picture that was taken at the same family reunion, so the kids are definitely another couple of years older, now, but still a wonderful picture to have! Aren't they great?!?
So, I guess I wasn't at such a loss for words, anyway, was I? Sometimes, when I write, I can't seem to stop. I have been told that before, so this blogging world is perfect for someone like me who loves to write and spill the words out on paper (well, paper, so to speak).
As time goes on and I move forward with this blog, I will be adding pictures of what I like to do -- such as my crocheting. Here is a sampling of some of the items I have made. I know that no one really sees this blog right now, but maybe someday they will. My legacy to my children and grandchildren will be my crocheting, I believe, so need to keep doing it for as long as my sometimes arthritic fingers and hands will let me.
Child's Scarf and Hat Set in Crochet! This one would fit a child of 2 or 3 years old.
Infant Child Crocheted Hat with flower and ribbon
Infant Child's Pink Crochet Hat with darker pink flower and ribbon button embellishment
Infant Child's crocheted hat in variegated pink and Brown with flower of same yarn.
Have a wonderful Saturday!
Hugs and Smiles and Love,